Who Killed Father Stan?

Who killed Father Stan, tell me if you can
An old and frail man.

Not I said the doctor, we did our best
Gave all the drugs did all the tests.
We did the best that we can
We didn't kill Father Stan.

He was old and he was frail.
We spread the news even when in jail.
The Media said we are in shock
You just can't put us in the dock

Not us, we don't make the rules,
Activism - that's for fools!
We follow orders from our boss
Said the Policeman sounding cross

Not I said the learned Judge
From the law I do not budge.
It’s the same for all in this land
That has always been my stand

Who killed Father Stan?
I asked the man
In his office in North Block
Isn't it you who take stock?

He thundered and he shook,
Such questions I do not brook.
We need a strong hand
To run this holy land.
He was in jail wasn't he?
Must have done something don't you see?
Do you really know this man
Who you all call Father Stan?

Coming out into the street.
Sought out someone I could meet
Who would tell me what was true
A man who would admit that he knew
Why an old man had to die.
And not hide behind a lie.

Walking on I met a man
Have you heard of Father Stan?
He looked at me bemused
And then asked to be excused.
Sorry I cannot talk to you.
There's lots I need to do.
He swiftly hurried on.
And then he was gone.

I met a friend mine,
And shared a glass of wine,
She wanted to know, why I was fretting so.
Did I know the man?
Had I met this Father Stan?
Was he someone very close? Someone she should also know?
Why was I grieving for his loss?

O Father Stan why did you die?
Who killed you?
Can you hear our anguished cry?
In a country that's so great
Why was this your fate?
Can't the billion in this land.
Save the life of one old man!

(Inspired by Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger and thank you Jashodhara )


  1. Very touching and raising hard question

  2. There is a reality that we most choose to duck from...there are too many why's to be answered...and for the larger populace they are all waiting for the answer to when?

  3. 'Then you and I we all fell down and bloody treason ruled Over us...' We ALL killed Fr. Stan...


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