Unseen Passage promotes Less known strategy : Men need to Get Involved in Gender Equality

I was most surprised to learn that "Unseen Passage" in the grade 12 English language question paper of DPS Noida was on the need to work with men and MenEngage Delhi Symposium. Its fabulous to see this idea mainstreamed into every day spaces. 
Thank you Manaswini and Rimjhim for spotting it, and many thanks to the examiner who set this paper. I am reproducing the text -  I couldn't have said it better.

The text -
"Q5 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Patriarchy is the social idea that men are superior to women and should both control and dominate them. Throughout history this idea has fostered untold injustice ,unequal chances for education and work, endemic violence and suffering in most human societies .patriarchy privileges men ;it also damages them. Therefore, men have not just a duty but also a stake in fighting gender injustice.
Patriarchy and gender injustice remain defining characteristics of societies around the world, With devastating effects on everyone's daily life ,making our relationships less fulfilling ,less healthy and less safe. From an early age they introduce suffering, violence, illness, hatred and death within our families and communities .They strip us of our fundamental human rights and hinder our ability to live a life of dignity and mutual respect. They hamper the development of our economies and keep our global society from flourishing. A landmark UNFPA study confirms that men and boys in India conform to these domineering models of masculinity.93% men felt that "to be a man you need to be tough” 60% of the men reported that they were violent with their partners. 9 out of 10 men felt that a woman must obey her husband and in family matters his word should be final. Only 15% of the men involved their wives in making family decisions. The study also revealed that men tend to be more violent when under economic stress than when they feel secure, demonstrating that domestic violence is always an act Of weakness rather than strength. Men often feel burdened by their exclusive responsibility to provide for their families. If they fail to do so their self esteem falls and they often break bonds with their families, slipping into drugs and depression. We also observe much higher levels of domestic violence among survivors of mass communal and caste violence; again a Strategy for reclaiming a sense of masculinity in a world in which they have been battered. Men and boys , in these ways ,are simultaneously both perpetrators and victims of gender inequality. 

The Delhi Declaration of MenEngage 2014 recognizes that all genders need to be freed from the burden of having to conform to socially prescribed ways of living. What is critical is the way we raise boys and girls because this socialization influences behaviours in later life. Therefore all parents, especially fathers ,must demonstrate sensitivity, equitable and just behavior especially to boys, starting at home and school, thereby preparing them to be gender sensitive, equal and caring adults.

Women today undertake two to ten times more care work than men. It is important for men to share care work fully. When fathers care for their children, they teach children gender -just work divisions through personal example. This also requires women to be able to access equal rights to paid work, equal pay and equal safety during work as men. Women must be able to rise to leadership positions based on their merit as easily as men do.

Women and girls have fought bravely and hard to make the planet a more gender-just place Men have, for too long, blocked their way with violence and stubborn prejudice. The time has come for men and boys to join the battle for equality : this will free not just women but also men, and transform the world into a kinder, fairer place for all,

A. On the basis of your reading ofthe above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations. Supply a suitable title.

B, Write a summary of the passage in about 80-100 words."


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